Re: Frage

Rund ums Thema Zeugen Jehovas

Geschrieben von Apostat am 02. Februar 2004 19:41:01:

Als Antwort auf: Frage geschrieben von Chris am 02. Februar 2004 12:59:26:

>Könntet ihr mir einige Daten zu den Zeugen Jehovas schicken? Wir behandeln das Thema nämlich in Religion.ö

Hallo Chris,
ich kann Dir etwas über die neuesten Aktivitäten der Wachtturm-Leute zur Erlangung von Glückseligkeit zukommen lassen. Deren Beteiligung an der Tabakindustrie ist wohl schon bekannt. Siehe:
Deshalb wird auch keinem Qualmer mehr die Gemeinschaft entzogen, falls er sich nicht gerade im Königreichssaal eine ansteckt. Ihm wird nur nahegelegt mit Pfefferminzbonbonbons den Nikotingestank zu überdecken. Ganz im Gegensatz zu Wehrersatzdienstlern, 2034-Zweiflern oder Bild-in-Bild-Entdeckern. Die fliegen sofort raus.

Neuerdings aber steigt der "Sklave" auch voll ins Lotterie-Geschäft ein. Ich habe Dir dazu etwas aus einer englischen Website kopiert:

The 50/50 payday lottery is a huge success among employees throughout the province. (ALL) funds raised through this lottery are held in The Hydrecs Fund's Gaming Account until issued to a (charity) with which Hydrecs maintains (a relationship).

Half of (ALL) proceeds go into (Hydrecs Relationship Fund).---with the other half going to the winning employee. As of December 2002,-- 2,109 employees were enrolled in the 50/50 Payday Lottery.

A maximum of $5,000 can be donated to (one charity) through the Gaming Account unless special permission is granted from the Gaming Commission to increase the funding level. (ALL Hydrecs),-gaming funds are used to (Develope ongoing relationships with Charities). The draw complies with all BC Gaming Commission rules and regulations. The Gaming Account closing balance was $17,876.48 as of December 31, 2002.

The above information--and more-- can be viewed by scrolling down about 1/2 here:

Now, why don't we see who is benefiting from all of this:
By going here, you will note there are 4 pages of organizations:

Please note these numbers and letters:
1.Page 2---Far right list column--#985 Jehovah's Witnesses Departure Bay Congregation.

2. Page 2---Next to far right list column--#849 Greater Vancouver Assembly Hall of Jehovah's Witnesses.

3. Page 2---Far left list column--#C14 Cagultlam Centre Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

4. Page 4---Far left list column--#A56 Spanish Central Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

5. Page 4---Next to far right list column--#B41 Vancouver & BC Marine Congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.

6. Page 4---Far right list column #111--Watchtower Bible & Tract Society.

If you are donating to a lottery--or if you are receiving contributions from a lottery--even in part--then you are still taking part. I personally know of many Jehovah's Witnesses who have been disfellowshipped for taking part in (less serious) activity. And yet the Watchtower Society and (several) congregations are receiving donations from this activity. Activity they condemn others for. What hypocrites.

The Watchtower Society (does not care) where it get it's money from --or who suffers in the process, all they know is that THEY WANT MORE.
